Monday, August 24, 2009


Nice tattoo, Mike, but maybe you should have cropped the dime bags out of the photo.

Michael Beasley posted this photo of his new "Supercool Beas" tattoo (the name of his first Twitter account) on his second Twitter account, GorillaBeas. Although the photo's resolution is too low to clearly make it out, it's hard to think of anything else that could be in those two bags besides weed. Shortly after the photo started to elicit controversy, Beasley's Twitter account was erased. However, shortly before the account disappeared, these three "tweets" came through:
  • "Y do I feel like the whole world is against me!!!!!!! Back on my FTW!!!!! I can't win for losin!!!!!!!!!!"
  • "Feelin like it's not worth livin!!!!!!! I'm done"
  • "not feelin this at all!!!!!"
Woe is you, Supercool Beas. It seems like Beasley is shaping up to be last year's Greg Oden – the silly kid that starts to believe the world is out to get him. As much as I want to believe in Beasley, he just doesn't seem capable of avoiding stupid mistakes like this. He does have superstar talent and potential, but it seems he doesn't have superstar smarts. With that said, he's still just a kid and I personally could care less about this on a moral level. But you have to wonder if all of this bad publicity is going to affect his game.

Update: According to Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports, Michael Beasley has checked into a rehabilitation center in Houston where he will stay for at least 30 days with little outside contact. Goddamn... I didn't think this was going to get quite so serious. Here's to hoping he can sort everything out.

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