Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jock Jams New Years

Let's get ready to rumble!

Dank Game is proud to present a New Years Eve to remember. Be at Reis Court in Mayfield Arena at 10:30 pm on Thursday, December 31st to celebrate the arrival of 2010.

And remember to wear a jersey!

Ya'll ready for this?!?


  1. BBBBBOOOORRRRIIINNNGGGGGG!!! that shit should have waited until myself and the ORIGINATOR of the party idea could attend. sounds like there might be a jock jams 2.0 party later on. have fun having a boring party with out us. oh wait. you can't have fun be boring.

  2. It definitely feels wrong doing this without you guys.

  3. hey wait, i'll be there for this, barring horrible snow, of course. holy fuck!

    the fuck is mayfield arena? your crib?

  4. Yeah, my crib. Unfortunately I haven't completed construction of the REAL Mayfield Arena.

  5. i think it was the reis court that confused me...

    cant wait for the real arena!

  6. It's gonna be dope. All part of my plan to bring the Royals back to Cincinnati.

    Reis Court is downstairs in Kevin's apartment. Kevin's the one kicking in mid-air.

  7. you were probably confused because j-man spelled Ries wrong.
