It's pretty old news that Dwyane Wade has made the jump from Converse to Jordan Brand. I was initially uninspired to write about it because he was building up the impending news via Twitter right around the time Odom was feigning an interest in signing with Miami (I know, I just can't get over it). When the news finally broke, I was pretty disappointed it didn't involve free agency, but I was intrigued by the possibilities of Wade being endorsed by Jordan brand. Now, thanks to a post from Nice Kicks, I'm suddenly looking forward to seeing what D-Wade will be sporting on the hardwood next season. I mean, it will obviously be better than this or this. Sorry Converse, but no amount of React Juice can make those shoes any better.

NiceKicks.com: "There is no doubt that both of these sneakers coincide with the Miami Heat jerseys; however, both of them may be a little too loud for the NBA’s preference. For example, the black Air Jordan 5 seems like a no-brainer, yet when the bright arena lights hit the 3M upper it will seem like Wade is sporting an all-silver sneaker. As for the red pair, it may be a little to eye-catching and head-turning for David Stern. If you recall, Stern fined MJ for wearing the Air Jordan 1 because of its vibrant color."
That's some old bullshit right there, Stern.
i like that box