Monday, August 24, 2009

Esteban Ochocinco


How did he do it? How the hell did a wide receiver convince his coach to let him kick an extra point?

Yes, it's just a meaningless preseason game. Yes, Bengals kicker Shayne "Where-da-party-at" Graham was out with a groin injury. And yes, apparently he did really play youth soccer (and he was probably pretty good at it). And yes, this is the Bengals - not a real professional franchise.

But seriously? Did that really happen?


Here's what the Ocho had to say about it:

"Esteban Ochocinco is back. The most interesting footballer in the world. Everyone has to remember, I've always said that soccer is my No. 1 sport. I think Ronaldinho would be proud of me right now."

(HAMS, penny for your thought!)

SlimMcCraveDick even sent me the Youtube link:


  1. Why is he called Ochocinco? I've never heard him speak Spanish.

  2. Finding logic in Ochocinco's actions is impossible. Still, he ain't as crazy as Ron Ron.

    P.S. Ochocinco's latest catchphrase: Kiss the baby.
