The T.Ocho Show, of course!
Chad sort of describes it as being like ESPN's Pardon the Interruption, but "a lot more raw." Apparently so raw, the two also need an on-air mediator to keep things together.
According to an interview with Chad on FanHouse.com, the two will spend a half an hour a week discussing current sports topics (and probably totally random other stuff) on Versus. The show begins October 12th, but fans can get a sneak peak on September seventh on "The Daily Line." Oh that was yesterday? Well how about that, it's already on YouTube:
If you include two season of NFL football, in a 15 month span Chad has been on six different TV shows (Hard Knocks, 2009 NFL season, Dancing With the Stars, Ultimate Catch, 2010 NFL season & T.Ocho Show).
Honestly Chad, I love you and all, but there's definitely such a thing as spending too much time together.
In an unrelated story, Ron Artest still can't get his sorry ass TV show on the air.
Its great to watching chad on a TV show and i am waiting for his new show starting from October 12.